Frage zum Artikel Buch Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch und Prof. Dr. Matthias Hendler "IFRS 2008"
Buch Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch und Prof. Dr. Matthias Hendler
Verkauf durch carla Vorarlberg

Buch Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch und Prof. Dr. Matthias Hendler "IFRS 2008"

€ 26,90
This compact book contains all the official International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS), approved by the EU and thus mandatory for companies operating in capital markets. The standards are listed synoptically in English and German, allowing a comparison with the English original, which is important in questions of interpretation. A handy reference for accountants, tax advisors, IFRS consultants, and companies applying IFRS.

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